
Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
A History of the World According to David Rovics EPISODE 3
Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
This episode covers events that took place from 1917-1921.
- The rise and fall of the Working Class Union in Oklahoma
- Danish syndicalism and the Battle of the Borso
- World War 1 and the Pandemic of 1918
- The Russian Revolution and US invasion of Russia
- The Winnipeg General Strike
- The Industrial Workers of the World and the lynching of Wesley Everest
- The Palmer Raids
- Kelly Butte and the use of prison labor in Oregon
- The Tulsa Race Massacre
- The Battle of Blair Mountain
There's no need to start at the beginning, necessarily, but all the episodes out so far can be found at davidrovics.com/ahistoryoftheworld, along with notes on each of them.
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