
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Today (October 30th, 2023) an extremely moving press conference was held in front of Senator Merkley's office in downtown Portland, Oregon, to insist that Merkley represent his constituency and call for an immediate ceasefire. Speakers included two Palestinians from Gaza whose families are under bombardment, many of them killed, injured, or out of water and suffering terribly (Nael Saker and Mohammed Nabil), and a former resident of Israel who has Israeli family members currently held hostage in Gaza (Joel Beinin).
I don't believe there were any members of the press present at the press conference, although all of the local outlets were contacted by the organizers. I was providing the sound, so I hastily decided at also record the press conference with my phone, since no one was recording the event with anything fancier than that.