
Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
”They Were Raising A White Flag” FINAL MIX
Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
Chet Gardiner has sent me a few more tracks. Not only “They Were Raising A White Flag,” but also “From the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.” He’ll be working with more, but I’m sharing them as they come, because everything is happening in real time.
Here’s the whole playlist of songs about the current apocalypse, which I’ve got arranged so the tracks that Chet has improved upon are mostly on top, such as the first 4.
These tracks, like everything else I’ve got on Soundcloud, can be streamed or downloaded for free, and of course they can also be played through a sound system at a protest, or on the radio, or wherever else.
For folks who want to hear them live, I’ll be doing a concert in downtown Portland, Oregon on January 20th, and then Ceasefire Tour plans after that include southern California, France, England, Scotland, Wales, the northeastern US, and Australia. If you’re from any of those places and might be inclined to organize a gig of any kind, I’d love to hear from you!